Collection and running late

Who can collect my child and what do I do if I am running late?

It is mainly parents who collect at the end of the day, but it can be grandparents, carers, neighbours and so on. The most important piece of information is that if parents are not collecting their child, then school is clear who is picking up your child.

Who do I give that information to?

You can tell the teaching assistant on the door in the morning or telephone school. (01952 387980)

Please do not email the information in as the email may not be picked up until the following day.

What happens if an adult turns up to collect a child who school do not know or hasn’t been told they are picking up the child?

Staff will not release a child to an adult who we are not aware should be picking up the child. The child will be kept in school and the parent will be contacted to review permissions.

School will not release a child to another child under 18 unless there is a school agreement in place for this.

Running late

Occasionally, a parent will be running late- the car has broken down or there is awful traffic- it happens! Please call school and let us know (01952 387980) and we will look after your child. If you are late, we will put your child in after school club (There is a charge for this).